Dear DUI Program Participants,
The DUI MAT Integration/Outreach Project is a pilot project developed by California’s Department of Health Care Services to address the opioid crisis in the State of California. The purpose of the program is to reach DUI Program participants who may have an unmet need in receiving treatment for opioid and other possible dependencies.
Awareness Program has been selected to participate in the DUI MAT Integration/Outreach Project and can offer you a path to services for substance abuse treatment such as Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and other options.
The DUI MAT Integration/Outreach program is separate from your DUI Program requirements and is confidential under the Federal Drug and Alcohol Confidentiality Laws (CFR 42 Part 2). Your participation will not affect your DUI court case, probation requirements, or your status with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
As a participant in the program, you will receive an assessment which will determine the treatment resources that may benefit you.
There is no cost to you to participate in this program and most treatment options offered have no, or minimal, costs. You will always have the option of deciding for yourself which treatment referrals are best for you. If you choose to participate in this program, now or at any time during your DUI Program, Awareness Program will provide support to you during your participation in the program.
DUI MAT program is voluntary.